I provide mediation as a registered mediator Act No. 202/2012 Coll., on mediation
I will help you clarify how to connect your requirements with the requirements of the other party and come up with a mutually beneficial solution to your situation.
You can always go to court. Why not try an amicable way first?
Before starting mediation, a mediator discusses practical issues with the parties - when, where, for how long the mediation proceedings will last, the mediator's remuneration - and they conclude an agreement to mediate.
This is followed by a mediation meeting led by the mediator. The mediator supports the parties in listening to each other and uses communication techniques to find their common interest. Then the mediator and the parties form a mediation agreement.
On average, the parties need 2-3 mediation meetings, each taking approx. 3 hours.
or one full-day meeting (approx. from 10 am to 6 pm).
If the parties to a mediation enter into a mediation agreement that is subsequently approved by the court as a settlement, it is possible to recover 80% of the court fee pursuant to Section 10(7) of Act No. 549/1991 Coll., on court fees.
The cost of the mediator's services is determined by the hourly rate per party and per hour of negotiation.
Rate per party/hour depending on the value of the dispute:
over CZK 10 million: 3,950 CZK
500 thousand-10 million CZK: 2.950 CZK
up to CZK 500,000: CZK 1,950
dispute not expressible in financial terms: 2.450 CZK
The rate is paid for each hour of mediation session (including separate meetings).
In the case of mediation in a foreign language, the rate is increased by CZK 1,000.
In cases where a settlement is reached between the parties in mediation and subsequently approved by the court, it is possible to recover 80% of the court fee pursuant to Section 10(7) of Act No. 549/1991 Coll., on court fees.
The first ordered meeting with the mediator is not a mediation. Its aim is to acquaint the parties to the dispute with mediation as an alternative way of resolving their situation. A mediator will introduce mediation to the parties, explain them the principles of mediation and his or hers role in mediation. If the parties agree that they want to resolve their situation through mediation, they will sign an agreement to mediate.
The fee for the first meeting with the mediator ordered by the court is CZK 400 for each hour started, the remuneration is determined by § 15 of Decree No. 277/2012 Coll.
Did the court order you the first meeting with a mediator or recommend mediation to you? Have you been looking for information about mediation, but still cannot imagine how the mediation process will look like?
I will explain to you what mediation will look like, what things you should pay attention to in mediation, I will give you tips on what to put in the agreement to mediate and the mediation agreement, and I will create a negotiation plan with you.